We Are Innovators

Need a customized solution to fit your needs? Look no further!

See how we can help

Our Effective Process

In addition to improving your drug repackaging and dispensing process, Lohxa aims to provide clients with the additional internal benefits of cost-savings, productivity and efficiency. Our customized labeling, packaging and bar-coding capabilities ensures that verification of each drug is done quickly and correctly creating the most optimal outcome for our patients. By taking feedback and being forever adaptable to each client and situation, we are able to create solutions that integrate seamlessly into your operations. Every Lohxa product is guaranteed to be exact, safe and reliable by being formulated to help strengthen your organizations vision and setting a new, revolutionary standard of care.

Hospital Pharmacy

We provide repackaging services to hospital pharmacies by providing oral unit-dose, barcoded medications to enhance bedside scanning compliance, prescription processing and inventory management while providing a simpler, more efficient billing process.

Long Term Care Pharmacy

Our capabilities extend to producing pre-package blister cards for long-term care pharmacies maintaining our goals of helping your staff efficiently manage inventory, reduce prescription fill time and focus its knowledge and resources on clinical services.

Request It

Placing an order is quick and easy! Simply create an account and get started.

Process It

Orders are verified and processed on the same day.

Pack It

We safely repackage all of our products by following CGMP standards

Ship It

We guarantee 48-hour turnaround on all of our orders.
